We’re building a house


Actually I must admit we have already built our house, but I thought I would take you through a bit of our journey.

Luckily I have a leg up on the building processes working for a home builder and all, however I learned more than I ever knew possible by going through the build process for ourselves. Sure we had built a few homes prior to this, but none we planned on staying in long term and raising our babies in. So this build was different, it was special.

Working as Residential Interior Designer for the past 6 years (prior to building our house) I had seen a lot of do’s and don’ts over the years and knew of all the extras I couldn’t live without this go around. I even had a floor plan picked out, well a starting point, I changed a lot but I’ll save that for another day. My Hubby, well let’s just say he’s all things Exteriors! Together we own a siding and roofing company and landscape company- so come this summer there should be no excuses for an exceptionally well landscaped backyard, right honey?!

First things first, we knew where we wanted to build. If this was going to be our forever “in town house” (the next forever house will be on a acreage), then it had to be on a lake, well pond in our case, but I’m fine with that and close to the school we want our son to attend. Then the waiting game began, as our lot was not quite ready to go. But that only gave me plenty of time to plan, and planning I did!